Spritz sorbet recipe

Sorbet Spritz

Do you like drinking Spritz ? You will love this sorbet recipe which will give you a guaranteed 100% Spritz taste!
In this recipe, we are going to use the real ingredients of the Spritz (Aperol and prosecco). So this is a recipe for alcoholic sorbet. And be careful, this is going to be a really alcoholic sorbet.

Ice Ice Daddy has pushed the quantity of alcohol to the max. But with too much alcohol, the risk is that the mixture will not freeze and you will not obtain ice.
Fortunately, there is a technique to solve this problem. Using a specific sugar like maltodextrin is the solution. This is the first recipe on Ice Ice Daddy.com where maltodextrin is going to be used.
To find out more, do not hesitate to consult the technical explanations in the section relating to sugars.

It is very easy to find maltodextrin but Ice Ice Daddy advises you to use 12DE maltodextrin from the SOSA brand. The SOSA brand is specialized in technical products for the kitchen. In addition, this maltodextrin is guaranteed GMO-free.

Maltodextrin SOSA

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Lay out

You do not have all these ingredients ? So there is going to be a problem !Usually, Ice Ice Daddy advises you in this case to replace the technical sugars (powdered glucose, dextrose, etc.) with normal sugar (sucrose). But in this case, it is not going to be possible.
So if you really do not have any technical sugar, Ice Ice Daddy recommends you the following changes. Reduce the quantity of Aperol to 150 g and do not add prosecco. Increase the amount of water to 658 g. Replace the atomized glucose and maltodexrin with normal sugar (i.e. 287 g of sugar in total for the recipe). And if you do not have stabilizer, do not use it.
Let us be clear, you will be light years away from the result of the recipe below, whether in terms of texture or taste. But it can still be nice !

Lay out


  • 358 g of water
  • 175 g of Aperol 12,5°
  • 175 g of prosecco extra dry 11°
  • 27 g of sucrose
  • 200 g of maltodextrin 12DE SOSA
  • 60 g of powdered glucose 38 DE
  • 5 g of stabilizer


- Mix sucrose and powdered glucose. Add the stabilizer and mix.
- In a saucepan, pour water.
- Start heating the preparation at low heat and add immediately the maltodextrin. Stir constantly with a whisk.

- At 40 °C, add the sucrose/powdered glucose/stabilizer mix.
- Continue to heat gently while stirring constantly with the whisk.
- When temperature reaches 85 °C, stop heating. Pour the preparation into another container. Use a hand blender for a few moments, taking care not to splash hot liquid. Immerse the container in a bath of ice water.
- Often control the preparation temperature stirring it with the kitchen thermometer. When the mix reaches approximatively 15 °C, wrap the container and place it in the refrigerator.
- Place the Aperol and prosecco in the refrigerator.
- Let maturate one night.

- The next day, add Aperol and prosecco to the mix. Mix with the hand blender.
- Pour your mix in the ice-maker to start creaming phase.

Lay out