
Ice Ice Daddy .com ha deliberatamente semplificato il più possibile tutte le spiegazioni e i concetti. Per saperne di più, puoi consultare le seguenti risorse che ti forniranno informazioni aggiuntive estremamente interessanti.


- International Journal of Food and Science Nutrition - Freezing point depression of different Sucrose solutions and coconut water
- Journal of Dairy science - Effects on Freezing Point of Carbohydrates Commonly Used in Frozen Desserts - Smith/Bradley - 1983
- Journal of Dairy science - On the Calculation of the Freezing Point of Ice-Cream Mixes and of the Quantities of Ice Separated during the Freezing Process - Leigthon - 1927
- Danisco - Technical Memorandum - TM 2510 2e

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Siti internet

- icecreamscience.com - Sugar in ice cream
- under-belly.org - Sugar in ice cream
- medium.com - Calculating the Sugar Content of a Gelato - Gelatologist
- medium.com - How is gelato made - Gelatologist
- www.dairyscience.info - How do you get the sweetness of ice cream or gelato just right? - Michael MULLAN
- www.callebaut.com - The necessity of pasteurisation and sterilisation
- www.uoguelph.ca - The Ice Cream Ebook - Professor GOFF
- www.gelarecipes.com - Serving Temperature and Anti freezing Point Ratio
- fstjournal.org - Controlling the hardness of ice cream, gelato and similar frozen desserts
- www.dairyscience.info - Perfect ice cream or gelato - Getting the hardness or scoopability just right - Michael MULLAN - 2013            
- chem.libretexts.org - Freezing Point Depression
- www.chm.bris.ac.uk - Colligative Effect
- foodcrumbles.com - The Science of Ice Cream – Freezing Point Depression
- foodcrumbles.com - Phase Diagrams Explained – Demystifying Ice Cream



- Sorbets et glaces de Lenôtre
- The perfect scoop - David Lebovitz
- Ice cream 7th edition - H. Douglas Goff & Richards W. Hartel
- I segreti del gelato - Il gelato senza segreti / Secrets of ice cream - Ice cream without secrets / Los secretos del Helado, los Helados sin secretos- Angelo Corvitto
- Il gelato artigianale italiano - Giovanni Pretti
